On the auspicious fifth anniversary of our awakening to the War of Islamonazi Aggression, I'm posting the final entry in this online literary effort. I became web-aware to blogging as a by product of the 9/11 Attack and really enjoy it, but priorities and demands on my time are limiting my ability to play with it. It is very probable that I will pick it back up again, but as cheap and miserly as I am, I'm not payin' $9 a month any more. So either next week or next month the link won't work.
To the few who might really miss it, don't shed any tears for me - this isn't like when Larson ended The Far Side, nor when Waterson quit Calvin and Hobbes, or even the final episode of the Marty Feldman Comedy Machine. No, if you have any emotion at all, focus it on the very real threat that religious fanatics are working to institute a persecution that would make the Spanish Inquisition look like a tea party. And know that there are those that don't think they're serious.
I'll leave you (and Google) with a poem of sorts that I finished writing in early November of 2001. I haven't looked at it in about 3 years, and it's dated and a still a little cheesy. But it brought me back and reminded me how I felt nearly five years ago when this nation was united in purpose. Our enemy's most insidious tactic appears to be working, and Abraham Lincoln's warning should be ringing in our ears: "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
So if it's not out already, go get that Flag you stood in line to buy 5 years ago and put it up. And think about the shame you'd feel if some mullah forbade you to fly it.
A Ballad of the New American
I was late for work on that fateful day
Couldn't find my keys, stuff got in my way
And I turned to see what the heads in the TV had on.
I couldn't believe what I saw on the screen
The most horrible things that I'd ever seen
In New York City, by Pittsburgh and at the Pentagon.
It was a couple days later that our President said
That we were gonna turn the world on its head
And deal with the evil whenever, wherever it's found.
He told the Taliban that their only chance
Was to cough up that scumball, maybe send him to France
But they didn't take it, just hid with him under the ground.
He said it plain, laid it out real straight
What we're doin' is right and we ain't gonna wait
For the diplomats to delay while they try to make nice.
"You'll be with us or with them" he said lookin' grim
I almost pity the fools that don't listen to him
We'll go with or without you; we ain't gonna ask twice.
Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw, Wolfe Blitzer and Dan
Rather'd really like to get a look at the plan
That Rumsfeld and Bush are holdin' close to the vest.
They're pitchin' a fit, they wanna put on the air
What our side is gonna do over there
Get the scoop on the street and broadcast it ahead of the rest.
Those high-minded clowns better tighten their lips
Don't compromise missions or endanger our ships
Or uplink maps it might help the bad guys to see.
There's a lot of moms and dads who don't want 'em to show
The enemy troops which way not to go
Or give 'em a clue when and where the action will be.
Now and then Slick-Willie-Bill tries to get on the news
But even the press is tired of bein' used
He's in denial that the stories aren't all about him.
He wants to horn in on the whole ball of wax
Kinda misses the coverage of his Big Mac attacks
But we need to watch out so he doesn't get back in again.
Just a year ago we were all waitin' to see
Who our next President was goin' to be
And to think it almost came down to some hangin' chad.
We'd spent the last eight years in political limbo
When almost every night's news had to show the First Bimbo
And the questions we got from our kids made a bunch of us sad.
Now we got a leader that leads, doesn't wait for the polls
And lets us know his clear view of his goals
Doesn't lie or play with words like our brains were made'a mush.
He's gonna carry this burden he didn't request
But he ain't gonna shirk, he's gonna give it his best
God bless America, an' especially George W. Bush.
There's no doubt in his mind we're gonna get that guy
And his half-wit friend with the patch on his eye
When we're done over there we'll prob'ly have to move on to Iraq.
Saddam Hussein is another evil man
Plottin' bio-terror and worse for our land
So we might as well go on in and clean his clock.
After that there'll prob'ly be somebody else to chase
The lingering dregs of the fanatic nut-case
Who wants mankind to revert to savage ways.
We'll devote our people to rooting them out
If they won't give up, we've got the hammer and clout
To grab 'em and lock 'em up till the end of their days.
We're a people united and we're all gonna stand
Under the Flag that flies all over this land
Again like it did in the middle of World War Two.
We'll watch out for our neighbors, cover each others' backs
Right here in our country we'll be alert for attacks
By the evil ones who hate me and you.
It's a long term effort - it'll take some time
But it'll be worth it wipin' out that crime
Against our great land of liberty.
So don't get discouraged, never give up an' quit
If chicken-little acts hopeless or does the peacenik bit
We're right.
We know it.
We're gonna win and we're gonna stay FREE!
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